The View From Upside Down

I remember my first yoga experience five years ago like it was yesterday. I took my first class at my local gym and walked out feeling highly discouraged. I was not athletic in any way, shape or form. I was not flexible, strong or lean like the other "yogis" but one thing was for sure. I was determined and hooked on giving my body exactly what it needed. I started with two classes a week and a very wise teacher. He not only taught me the art of patience but also, embedded ahimsa within me. 


Ahimsa is one of my favorite yamas or "laws" of yoga. The Yamas and Niyamas are what a true Yogi strives to live by. Ahimsa translates to nonviolence, and the beauty of these laws, is that you can apply them to your life as you wish. For me, nonviolence is not only the physical practice of keeping peace, but abstaining from violence with the foods I eat, the words I speak, and most importantly the way I tend to my body, a sacred temple. Most of us practice the act of peace or "nonviolence" in our everyday life but are blind to the way we treat our. After all it does for us, we often times harm it over and over again with the meals we consume, or our physical practices. 

In my yoga practice, I vow to always listen to my body. Whether that means warming up a little longer, skipping the chaturangas, or knowing what pose is not accessible for me yet. In my teaching I vowed to do the same, to cater to every body’s needs. Not all temples look alike, and different practices can take place in each and every one of them. The same goes for yoga. Each being is given their own unique anatomy, therefore the way someone practices on their mat can be totally different from yours. 

Although the word “inversions” can be a bit intimidating, it is in fact quite the opposite. You can invert by being in downward facing dog, or in a forward fold! The purpose of my upcoming workshop is to give everyone the confidence and tools to succeed in their inversion journey. Starting with a strong foundation, and building on to it as each personal practice deepens, keeping ahimsa in mind with proper alignment every step of the way.  I am beyond excited to share what I know and to provide a safe space for the start of your inversion practice!


The Mysterious Mala


Connecting Your Chakras